Keiki & Adolescent Programs


We help kids be kids

The Spirit Horse Ranch connects adolescent survivors of abuse to their inner warrior, reigniting the light in their eyes through the powerful combination of Trauma Informed Equine (horse) Assisted Services, organic gardening, creative expression, and the dormant volcanic healing energy of Haleakalā and Maui.

Equine Therapy

Our Trauma Informed Equine Assisted Services (EAS) provide a healing environment utilizing equine activities; interactive horse and ranch activities and hands-on horse care, transforming the youth into positive emotionally healthy individuals. 

The natural ability of horses to pick up on human emotional expressions enhances the effectiveness of EAL. Patient, perceptive, and attuned to fear, anger, agitation, and despair, horses are attune to human moods in a nonjudgmental way. As the horse and person bond, a healthy connection via self-awareness grows resulting in emotional healing. Our unique curriculum rebuilds healthy neuron pathways for positive resilience moving forward in our client’s lives.

Equine Assisted Learning

Our EAL program is centered on the concept that by building a working relationship with a horse, any participant can develop important skills that can translate to all aspects of their daily lives. The building of the relationship is the main focus of our program. This relationship is facilitated by our trained and certified practitioners who assist the participant in recognizing the non-verbal communication that horses use every day. Horses being herd animals react strongly to the body language and behavior of those around them. This can lead to self-reflection in the participant, which is important for personal growth.

HeartMath Trauma Informed Care

The Heartmath theory integrated into the practices of Stanford Medicine, Kaiser Permanente, Cedars Sinai, NASA and the Department of Veterans' Affairs for over 25 years, HeartMath Institute has been researching the heart-brain connection and learning how the heart influences our perceptions, emotions, intuition and health. The program helps kids tap into the power and intelligence of their heart which awakens them to the best version of themselves. Tuning into the heart’s wisdom creates a profound shift within that helps children approach situations with more emotional balance, compassion, clarity and personal confidence.

Our free programs are available to individuals and groups led community partners. If you’re interested in participating, please email us at to request information. For individuals looking to schedule self-pay EAL sessions, please click the button below.

12-Week Youth Program

The Spirit Horse Ranch aims to empower children and adolescents affected by crisis especially the Maui wildfires to heal from trauma, build resilience, and cultivate a sense of hope and well-being. By addressing the mind, body, and spirit through a holistic approach, participants find strength and support as they navigate their journey toward recovery.

This intensive 12-week program involves weekly 4-hour sessions focusing on:

  • Grounding and Orientation: Building familiarity with horses and the ranch.

  • Skill Development: Learning horse care and communication.

  • Ranching Activities: Engaging in daily ranch tasks to foster responsibility and empathy.

  • Wilderness Programs: Exploring nature to enhance self-reliance.

  • Artistic Programs: Expressing emotions through creative arts.

  • Therapeutic Activities: Addressing individual trauma through tailored equine-assisted sessions.

  • Transportation Services: Ensuring access to care for displaced youth.


  • “Horses reach into your soul, pull out the good and heal what isn’t.” The unique relationship found between the client and the horse with TSHR ground based equine program often leads to benefits including but not limited to:

    • Greater sense and understanding of self

    • Improved communication and listening skills

    • Increased self-esteem and confidence

    • Increased ability to ask for what you need and want

    • Improved concentration and problem solving skills

    • Finding your voice

    • Feeling acceptance and belonging

    • Development of trust and social skills

    • Feeling better prepared to balance responsibilities

    • Enhanced motivation and energy

    • Improvements in self-control

    • Learning to master fears

  • Individuals of all ages and levels of cognitive development can benefit from EAL.
Clinical studies suggest that EAL is effective in treating:

    • Depression

    • Anxiety

    • Low self-esteem

    • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

    • Behavioral problems

    • Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

    • Autism

    • Conduct disorder

    • Aggression and Substance abuse

  • The Spirit Horse Ranch Equine Therapy Program for children 11-17 years old is open to all agencies and schools beginning Jan 1 2024 to schedule a program time please contact our team at 808-280-7070 or email us at A program consists of a 1 hour session for up to 8 participants for 6-8 sessions coming to the facility once a week. *Curriculum designed on the clients needs and goals.


EAL Academy Certified

The EAL Academy trainers have worked together providing EAL certification since 2007. Their training programs are considered to be the best EAL certification training available. They are experienced in providing EAL programs since 2003, providing hands-on experience and clear, repeatable processes for you to use in facilitating great client experiences with lasting results and impact.

Natural Lifemanship Institute Core

As a Level 1 Certified Facility, we use a trauma-informed approach that integrates certain effective principles of behavior modification to build the relationship in ways that heal the person and transform the effects of trauma. Behaviors will change as a by-product of an improved relationship with self and others.

HeartMath Trauma Informed Care Certified

Our Heartmath facilitators have completed thier Resilient Heart:Trauma Sensitive Course. We use Hearthmath’s program and tools. such as Heart-Focused Breathing™ technique, Quick Coherence® technique, Heart Lock-In® technique, Freeze Frame® technique, HeartSoak™ technique, Shift and Lift™ technique.

Future programs we can get started with your help

Artistic Expression

The arts, such as painting, crafting and drawing contribute to core determinants of health; playing a critical role in health promotion; helping to prevent the onset of mental illness and age related physical decline; supporting the treatment or management of mental illness, and noncommunicable diseases and neurological disorders.

Organic Gardening

Our greenhouse will provide a space to plant and grow food, helping participants to practice acceptance, move beyond perfectionism, develop a growth mindset, connect with others, connect to the world outside, be one with nature, be present in the moment, exercise, reduce stress, eat healthfully, develop a sense of teamwork and gain confidence through the knowledge that their actions help sustain life.